On 15 September 1867, Gjelsbro Zollamt, as it was called, was upgraded to a Nebenzollamt I (i.e. Border Duties Collection Office), from which all goods could be exported, and belonged under the Hauptzollamt (head customs office) in Haderslev. As of 1 August 1875, Gjelsbro Zollamt found itself downgraded to a Nebenzollamt II (i.e. Border Customs checkpoint).
In 1874, the German Authorities built a large brick building with space for overnight travellers. While the building still exists, it has undergone massive renovations.
In 1877, there was an outbreak of rinderpest in Germany, and in1892 a cholera epidemic broke out in Hamburg. A disinfection hut in which animals were subjected to steam baths was erected on both occasions.